Besides various obvious misdeeds like breaking rules, dragging stops, chasing, overtrading and various other trader NO-NOs, there is a another one… DONT POST IN BIG GREEN FONT ON YOUR BLOG LIKE AN IDIOT AFTER A MONSTER DAY / WEEK
Here is a screenshot from today’s intraday analysis update:
You will never guess, who was short EC aka EURO FX Currency, with trade going my way with GTC (good till cancel) order at break even oh lets say 20 minutes later…. good set up, good entry, no loss trade… and then this happens!!!

(Click on Image to Enlarge)
FREAKING GLOBEX of all things on the planet goes out for exactly 45 minutes!! Not to mention that the trade went further in my favor during that stretch judging by EURUSD the spot cross of this futures contract. The stupid thing gaps up 50 pips and never looks back.
By the time I am done talking to TS support and CME exchange , got nothing more than finger pointing and “OOOOOPS”. By the time I got off the phone, had to covered for 80 pips loss, since my account rep is on vacation or something and TS nor CME did not have a solution for me.
This was clearly a GTC .. good till cancel order , not GTFO (good till f outage) order , regardless of weather or not I get my money back on this when my rep gets back, this is one good lesson on how not to mess with the trading Gods!! You can’t make this stuff up!